Our devices are not turning us into unfeeling robots:
“For example, in my own ethnographic work on social media, one participant explained how his decision to temporarily leave Facebook actually resulted in discomfort when meeting friends in person. “It was a little awkward,” he reported, “like we had missed a beat or something.” It wasn’t that he or his friends were unprepared or ill-equipped to talk, but that he had missed part of an ongoing dialogue. The social network site was part of his social glue, and his absence from this central platform translated into a degree of disconnect from his social relationships. The conversation continued online, but he was not a part of it.”
How to Change a Worldview – CAESURA LETTERS:
“Persuading other people about what is good and virtuous is a tall task. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) put it succinctly: “People are generally better persuaded by the reasons which they have themselves discovered than by those which have come into the mind of others” (Pensées 1.10).”
The Space Doctor’s Big Idea – The New Yorker:
Einstein in einfachen Worten: “There once was a doctor with cool white hair. He was well known because he came up with some important ideas.”
+49 174 276 6483 – Wenn ihr diese Nummer anruft, werdet ihr (vielleicht) überwacht:
“Christian Sievers macht mit seinem Kunstprojekt „Hop 3“ auf die Massenüberwachung aufmerksam. Und stellt die Frage: Wollen wir ein Leben führen, in dem wir uns nicht mehr trauen, eine Handynummer anzurufen?”
Paris: You Don’t Want to Read This:
“But it has to be said, especially looking at the sick repetition of the same story, that despite fourteen plus years of a war on terror, terror seems to be with us as much as ever, maybe even more. It is time to rethink what we have done and are doing.“
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